Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Happy Birthday, Josiah! May 13th, 2008

Josiah John was happily born into the world today! He's a healthy 6 lbs, 18 inches - 5 weeks early! Tanya, Birthmom, is recovering and doing ok. Thank goodness for modern medicine and pharmaceuticals. Jenn and Kevin are excited to be parents so soon. (Evidenced by the expression on Kevin's face below.)

We've all been hanging out with Josiah in the hosipital while he transitions from the cozy warmth of Tanya's tummy, to the cozy warmth of the hospital baby warmer and oxygen tent. (his first tent!) He is needing just a little bit more time to get his lungs adjusted to the new surroundings. Just as soon as he's ready he'll be snuggling up with his sister, Anastasia, birthmom Tanya, adopting mom Jenn, and adopting dad Kevin.

It may be another week with the security and capable monitoring of the North Suburban Hospital nursing staff. Then, he'll be able to go to his new home with Jenn and Kevin to begin his first year.


GETkristiLOVE said...

Congrats JennyB and Kevin!!!

How wonderful!

Mona said...

thank you for sharing this website. we are so looking forward to having our new grandbaby, Josiah, home and part of his new family. Love from
Granpa Clayton and Granma Mona

ShirlOme said...

The Brittners are so happy for you all.. You have a new precious 'guy' in your lives! Congratulations! We look forward to meeting him soon!
Lots of love & tons of Hugs!
Ray & Shirl