Monday, May 19, 2008

Let's Eat!

How many adoring parents does it take to get a little boy to eat? Let's see...

Whew! I gotta rest...he says! Everyday he get's a little bigger portion of formula but still, being a little early and new to this whole, suck...swallow...breathe thing, he's not quite ready for the whole enchilada.

He's been doing pretty good getting down between 20-40 ml from bottle feedings, then taking in the rest with the help of his fancy eating machine (the nasogastric tube). He gets lots of love and cuddles during his feedings, to which he responds, with those big beautiful peepers..."blink blink...I'm a cutie."

1 comment:

GETkristiLOVE said...

So Kev... how long before Josiah can beat you at Wii tennis?!